From Lake Toba I went to Berastagi where one of

01 Januar 0001

From Lake Toba I went to Berastagi where one of the active vulkanos is located. Depending on the day you are able to see some lava but I haven’t been lucky and it was cloudy. When I started my hike I met the guy in one of the pictures at the bottom. He owns an english school in one of the villages and in return for talking to his students he offered me to show me both vulkanoes Berastagi has to offer. So I went up with him and his scooter Mt. Sibayak first and then we went to the other active Mt. Sinabung. The pictures show one of the abandoned villages that already got destroyed from the ashes and you can see the new pipe for lava coming down the vulkano. Most people actually don’t make it that far :)


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